
How many mutations?

Here are some unanswered questions from a post on CARM.org's Evolution and Intelligent Design forum. Does anyone have answers to these?

What causes "gene duplications and insertions" and "the deletion of a stop frame by a mutation"?

In what kinds of organisms, are there examples of "gene duplications and insertions" and "the deletion of a stop frame by a mutation"?

About how many examples or observations of DNA increasing in base-pairs are there? About 5,397?

In each kinds of organisms, about how many examples or observations of DNA increasing in base-pairs are there?

How many base-pairs do the DNA increase by in each of the observed kinds of organisms? Were the amount of observations of increased base-pairs in each kinds of organisms similar? Did some kinds not increase base-pairs as significantly as other kinds of organisms?

How often does the amount of base-pairs increase in DNA of each kinds of organisms that were observed?

How often does the amount of base-pairs decrease instead of increase?

What causes base-pairs to decrease?

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